More Efficient UD(A)Fs with PySpark

With the release of Spark 2.3 implementing user defined functions with PySpark became a lot easier and faster. Unfortunately, there are still some rough edges when it comes to complex data types that need to be worked around.

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Managing isolated Environments with PySpark

The Spark data processing platform becomes more and more important for data scientists using Python. PySpark - the official Python API for Spark - makes it easy to get started but managing applications and their dependencies in isolated environments is no easy task.

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Efficient UD(A)Fs with PySpark

Nowadays, Spark surely is one of the most prevalent technologies in the fields of data science and big data. Luckily, even though it is developed in Scala and runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it comes with Python bindings also known as PySpark, whose API was heavily influenced by …

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